İskandinav Sıcağı
İskandinav Sıcağı, soğuğun bedene iyi geldiği ve hareketin-devinimin kaçınılmaz olarak ruha imgesel dokunuşlar yaptığı bir sıcak türü. Soğuk da son...
Mr. Robot As Digital Subject
To be honest, Mr. Robot was a digital subject in the gigantic dreams of Elliot Alderson. On the side of...
Digital Octopus
Digital Octopus’s Data: The Petrollum of 21th Century Digital Octopus is consisting of digital arms which is integrated circuits, advanced...
Behavioral Economy
Are you willing to pay a debt that is related with your behaviour? Behavioral Economy defines the broad range of...
Decision Economy
The future is now. So, time is the coctail of decision economy. Most of people assume that they have motivation...