Digestion Of Thinking

Our motivation is tended to be unsustainable due to loosing of cognitive clarity. In this point, we will look at Digestion Of Thinking in comprehensive ways with some clues. The most visible clue is that we have stopped filtering our perception in our society.
When we can not reflect on what we learned, our motivations is not be structured by intrinsic motivations. Digestion Of Thinking is essential to our implementation in any aspect of our life. We are exposing so many external inputs that is coming from everywhere at any time.
According to some studies, the average person is consuming around 74 GB of data per day. ( It is equivalent to 16 movies ) https://www.matt-bristow.com/do-we-consume-too-much-information#:~:text=Evidence%20suggests%20the%20average%20person,on%20year%20by%20around%205%25.

The astounding amount of thought in average person is an approxiametly about 60.000 per day. 45.000 of them are negative and repetitive. On the Other hand, a different valuable research is linked to attention span. The average person can focus just 12 second to anything. We know that attention span has markedly decreased. Unfortunately we are get distracted easily! https://www.wyzowl.com/human-attention-span/
We’re also living on autopilot these days. We’ve become passive instead of active because of our sedentary lifestyle and overloaded mind. We’re like empty vessels, absorbing so much information. External stimulations from screen time and constant notifications easily distract our attention. This is why we’re living with split attention, which disrupts our systems in so many ways. https://contentdiving.com/2024/12/20/big-challenge-for-2025-brain-rot-default-mode-network-dmn-cristopher-nolan/

Sniffing of Input
What does it mean for our mind to gain weight and become excessively fat ?
Overprocessed food destroy our body. Likewise unprocessed information destroy our mind-body integration.
More sensory input bombard us. Then, our thoughts arise in our head about particular things. Pre-organized stimulation cost us to consuming undigest these things for the implementation. When we try to focus at one thing, other pre-organized stimulation urge us to look away in way of open-tabs in behind.

In this point, to be selective and filtered person in consuming any information, we need to take into account some indicators. Unnecessary inputs are hanging out all around us. The quality of our life is depends on absorbing information in selectived ways. Sniffing of information is crticial way to improve our senses.
Digesting of information is rather be similar to blood circulation in our body. Healthy packaged blood circle represent our mind-body integrations. If we want to eliminate the undigested flow of information, we can improve the way of consume information as intensified experience sometimes. Of course, It is not easy way to implement this all the time. But some practices will contribute us by the time.

For instance, to be chief in kitchen requires intensifed experience with all body sensors. To gain enormous experinence, all chief have to take an attention with some specific tools when they are engage in this experience. Therefore, every kind of details are vital for them in this point. Another point, this turn out to whole life attidues in their charachters.
When we look at overprocessed food, we can see so much inorganic components within these food. For instance MSG, Monosodium Glutamate is powerful flavor enhancer. Even though FDA has recevied many reports of concerning side effect or reactions about MSG, it is still regocnized as safe ! addictive eating behaviour as we know. There is MSG effect in compulsive behavior of eating.
Colonized & Polluted Mind
We know that beneficial bacterias are essential for mood system as well as our immune systems. Variety of beneficial bacterias regulates our system and protect us from infections. On the other hand, we know that bacteria variety is one of the most important thing for our mind-body sytems as totally. Sometimes this bacterias shapes our character and resistance in the long terms.

Our immune systems can not digest so much infection. Infections leaking from information or knowledge. Likewise unstructured information does not allow us to infection extraction. When breakdown of a particular barrier, the bacteria cross over where we’re assuming a infection. Doctor K explained this analogy in a good way. According to him, once bacteria cross the barrier or invade us, then they start to colonize that particular space. Moreover, the worst scenario of this analogy is our body’s adaptation to the infection. (Repetitive Cycles- Rumination and Distraction !) https://youtu.be/mThU-sdywKw?t=571
In similar to this, Brain Fog is neuroinflammatory that causes cognitive problem such as motivation, energy and focus. Our mind has started to become rusty.
When there is no gap between our reaction and the actual objective world,our interpratiton on what is happening can pave the way negative mind-set.

In order to preventing colonization, we need to achieve optimal brain functions through limit our technolgy using. To reducing burden on the mind which is like bacterial load, we can rewire our brain by overcome this infected a consumption of information with little steps. With hacking our attention into single direction, we might be able to extract this infections.