Digital Religion: Pattern Recognition

When did you hear this pattern term first time ? Do you remember your feelings when you hear this term ? Because, this terms has become our new Digital Religion. Digital Religion: Pattern Recognition is the most powerful indicator and driven force for all human over the last couple of years.

As matter of fact, our brain is patter recognition machine. With so many studies, scientist have proven it in functional magnetic resonance imagining (fMRI).

We can measure any kind of activity in our body and mind. Also, we can identify the possible outcomes in business environment through some tools what we use. From business to the health, patterns are unique motivators for us. Our future based on pattern recognition. To catch up some changes in every details of thing or interpretatiton of this changes have been vital for all human.

In this point, I have tendency to percieve in regards to identify as pattern for what’s happen in daily life. When I try to deduct in any issue , we mostly use this term.

Measurement of any kind of the activity in all human engagement in accordance with the direction of life , and analyzing of the changes between two varietion is the big part of human counciousness and social routines.

Pattern Recognition Machine

The ability pattern recognition is mostly superpower for all human. Our new digital world, which is rather be embedded into our body-mind, took place with this cognitive appearances. Todays, emphasizing the ability pattern recognition has become Digital Religion that is reflecting human capabilities’s transcended beyonds our limits and restrictions.

If we think that our life is vast amount of the process, this all process needs to have a management. That is why, processes management come up with pattern recognition in every second. Even if our autonomus brain system operates things by using memory layers line up with perceptional and computational systems, our counciouss executive system require a selective awareness when we get in task or anythings.

if we want to achieve visible outcomes in this life, we will need to engage in this powerful machine. And also someone who is simulating and projecting this pattern for possible transformation will be required by constant changing environements.

Essential Requirements For Digital Religion

Both sides in functional demand and cognitive practice has emerged as new global Digital Religion in everywhere. Limitless demands from humanity encompass the limitless desire to involving in this pattern recognition. From our body to the daily practices like our work and social life, this is essential rules for integrated humanity purposes in digital and daily life.

In particular, overlooking of any patterns in the flowing of information can cause big looses for us. For instance, when we can not manage our atttention that associated with tracking patterns, it might be inevitable bad outcomes for everyone.

In medicine, any little mistakes in interpretatiton of a patient’s disease, it can leads to fatal eror for both sides. Or when we work in front of our screen (sometimes it can be multiple screen) ,thiny distraction can creates chain reactions. Because, everything is connected within any information and flowness in this world.

In this point, I want to clarify the essential points in recognizing the patterns :

  1. Like a make meal, we need to manage our movements in appropraite flow within our attention cycles.
  2. We need to act a selective person in every actions and tasks in order to reveals a comprehesive patttern.
  3. Eventually, process management as way of thinking and pattern recognition is powerful rules.

Digital Religion: Pattern Recognition In Cognitive Psychology

How language shapes our experiences and emotions? Negative patterns is very gramaticall construction in our mind. According to Alan Botton, translating the feeling that spreads to our body and how we percieve those emotions is crucial. Because it have a potential to creating the negative patterns. Therefore, negative patterns are associated with the interpretation of our feelings which are on hand. Unbearable feelings spread our body as way of intensified negative patterns.

To detect patterns involve thinking and observing in any matter as we know. But most of us have remarkable power to manipulate these patterns. Nowadays, patterns which come from everywhere is like the tremendous activitiy at the center of human heart.

This reality started with cognitive psychology. Cognititon and re-cognizing needs our attention in order to take into account when we are acting in daily life. On the other hand, flexility on thinking about those is more important than what I mentioned above.

Hi, I’m okanhoruz

I'm advocator of the Transhumanism . Transhumanism envison a future where humans can transcend biological / cultural / environmental limitations- barriers through advancement like genetic engineering , artificial intelligence and cyborg technologies. In this sense ,my motivations : * I'm trying to be constant learner and improver in my personal and business life . I would like to combine and transform any piece of knowledge- experience into new things as a synthesizers. * Push the boundaries of the unknown * Learn and discover new potentials along the way * Acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product and connections * Gaining knowledge, perspectives and mastering human relations in proactive cycles is one of the my greatest inner motivation. * Throughout my career and academical life, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of key projects. I'm interested in cognitive - behavioral science (Neuro-Technology) .These observations and researches enriched my standpoints in accordan with social science and daily life.

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