Horizontal Demands Vs Vertical Scarcity

To specializing in a matter requires horizontal demand at initial phase. By the time, vertical demand cover it up. However we are living in the inflation of specialization. This specialization does not allow us to catch up the managable balance in our lives. We can look at this horizantal demands Vs vertical scarcity in this sense.
Chaos ration of the life is increasing by the accelerating anything that we see and hear. That is why, most of us needs to arrange our priority as much as possible.
Constant prioritization according to changable conditions have a pressure over us. If you want to expand your flexibility in regards to horizontal demands of life, you might be able to push yourself into unknown. In this way, we can achieve our goals in the short term.

On the other hand, as we know that specializing in any area requires the vertical deepening. Vertical deepening demands a time from us. But we have no so much time in this horizontal replacement. This creates unbalance and unmanagable between two axis.
When we look at this conflict, the deepening in any area requires a selective and digested attitude that can be evolved by structured information. Likewise, horizontal direction pursues to fastest way with undigested information which consist of interface crumbs Horizantal demands is placed in the surface of volatile layers as oppposed to vertical deepening region. This is rather be big conflict as well.
Horizontal Demands Vs Vertical Scarcity: Visible Struggle
Horizontal demands is seem to be limitless in this over-fluid world which is directed by constant stimulation that is coming from everywhere. It does not like a permanent things. There is strict competition between time and horizontal demands. Time is a big obstacle for it. Restructuring the ideas and different directions can not be emerged in horizontal replacement.

Prioritaziton of daily tasks have slippery nature in horizontal direction. There is no opportunity to improve by way of deepening any task or disciplines. Everything might be placed at every time.
Compared to vertical deepening, horizontal demands diversify from one to another in this line. Especially , by the increased multiple demands of horizontal replacement in overfluid- digital era, vertical scarcity has sparked as well as. Therefore, there is remarkable gap between them. It leads to decision- attention fractures in society.

Inflation In Execution
Some resistance points have a chance to growing up thanks to rigid vertical and horizontal intersection. In this here, if a person can handle it , this might be transformative in the historical succes of any person.
Process management, tracking tools and comprehensibe interactions. All of these are necessary for us. When we are in a job, most of time, we need to take into account all possible obstacles that we face in thr next time. Even if we are ready to those obstacles, we can overlook some things and there are always exceptional situation in this point.

Execution in business or life has become more complex and multiple layers which is related with itselfs.
When horizontal demands are excessive and vertical deeepening is less, this leads to Inflation of execution in any domain of the life.
Finally expectation and unrealistic demands can not be fitted with what we have on hands.