Pixels of Thought are considered to be powerful aspect in this epic evolutionary era. As we human, we have attempted to improve the way of thinking for optimal engagament to the practices. However, most of us get in stuck when cognitive flexibility is urgent for us.

Even though our environment (excessive changable) is 4K pixels (3840 x 2160) like 8.3 million pixels, the display of our thougths is about approximately 1920×1080. This equals to 2,073,600 pixels on the screen. If you had a configurator on hand, how would you adjust the quality of your thoughts ?

The pixels is a unit of adjustable color on computer display. As the smallest unit, millons of pixels make up an image or video. Each pixels comprises a subpixels that emits a red, green and blue color. When we think about the resolution of display numbers like 1920 x 1080 refer to the number of pixels .

In similar to this, the pixels quality of thought are similar to our mapps of thoughts. (The way of thinking )The resolution of our thoughts display is shaping our behaviour. Likewise when we can not pay attention what we think or how we organize our thoughts, the pixels of thoughts creates a blurring reality via negative emotions and cognitive crises. https://news.mit.edu/2024/programmable-pixels-novel-sensor-improves-imaging-neural-activity-0613

Our daily activities have been fuzzy due to loss the pixels of thought which caused to suffer. On the other hand, emotional signature on our body inflluences the pixels of our thoughts.

For this reason, our body keeps the score in way of thinking habits. Repetedly habits are wiring and firing by the our emotions. That is why, Cognition Crises have emerged as big potential disease over the human health.

Pixels of Thought: Age of NeuroTech

In the Age Of Neuro-tech, scientist have started to ask reasonable questions through symbiotic relationship with artificial intelligence. Who is deciding? How we are percieving? All of these have big impact on our lives. Over the couple of years, these studies have aimed to show us that we can have more control over the brain. I want to point out two assumptions in here :

Assumpiton 1 : If we wanted to be able to hear ultrasound or remember more things than we normally can, we need to have more control over the brain can do so that we have choices of what we excatly we’re taking in what we are learning !

Assumption 2 : What our brain is doing that generating a virtual reality, a model of the world that is running in our heads all the time. Therefore the world is created by our minds. What we percieve is not out there, it is in our head !

Prof. Rafael Yust from Columbia University built up the technology to read the all activity of neurons in brains. To write activity to control and manipulate the activity of these neurons in the brain, He became pionner of Calcium Imaging. 100 million neurons by recording from one neuron, it is like trying to watch a movie in tv secreen that has a million pixels by looking at a single pixels. With optical methods, they tried to measure the activity of neural circiuts.

When every time neuron fires every time, it’s activated calcium comes into the neuron. thus, they can directly see who is firing and who’s being activated in the entire group at once.


Joe Dispenza : Emotional Buttons & Epigenetic

”Our brain takes a snapshot and thats called a memory. ”

According to Joe Dispenza, habit is a redundant set of an automatic uncouncious thoughts , behaviours and emotions that’s acquired through repetition . When we have done something so many times that our body knows how to do it better than our mind. On daily life, what we see as problems, they are circuits, memories in the brain. ( Body keeps the score )

Each one of those meories are connected to people at certain times and places and if the brain is record of the past, we are already thinking in the past ! Each one of those memories has an emotion. Emotion are the end product of past experiences. So the moment we recall those memories of our problems, we all of sudden feel unhappy, sad and pain !


Now how we think and how we feel creates our state of being ! The familiar past will sooner be predictable future !

Unfortunatelly we go through a series of routine behaviours . Eventually we pushed the same emotional buttons and that becomes the routine and finally it becomes like a program. When the change comes, redundancy of that cycle becomes a subcouncious program.

According to Joe Dispenza, 95 % of who we are by the time we’re 35 years old is a memorized set of behaviours. Our emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs and perception that function like a computer program ! https://contentdiving.com/2024/12/21/aliskanlik-matematigi-kisiligin-surtunme-katsayisi-direnc-noktalari/


In recent years, significant advancements have been made in the fields of technology, neuroscience, and computer science. The pixels of thought concept offers a novel perspective on human cognition and behavior in the contemporary era.

A central inquiry pertains to our management of daily life, business, and the optimization of human performance. It has been discerned that the manner in which we conceptualize thought and the manner in which we organize our thoughts exerts a profound influence on our emotions and cognitive abilities. In order to attain the 4K resolution habits, it is imperative to effect a substantial adjustment in our cognitive processes.

It is important to acknowledge that humans are biological organisms that function as chemical machines, capable of expressing new proteins and undergoing a cascade of biochemical processes that are both enormously complex and interconnected.

Hi, I’m okanhoruz

I'm advocator of the Transhumanism . Transhumanism envison a future where humans can transcend biological / cultural / environmental limitations- barriers through advancement like genetic engineering , artificial intelligence and cyborg technologies. In this sense ,my motivations : * I'm trying to be constant learner and improver in my personal and business life . I would like to combine and transform any piece of knowledge- experience into new things as a synthesizers. * Push the boundaries of the unknown * Learn and discover new potentials along the way * Acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product and connections * Gaining knowledge, perspectives and mastering human relations in proactive cycles is one of the my greatest inner motivation. * Throughout my career and academical life, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of key projects. I'm interested in cognitive - behavioral science (Neuro-Technology) .These observations and researches enriched my standpoints in accordan with social science and daily life.

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