Prometheus And Dopamine

Dopamine and Prometheus will be married by the story of the ideas. But what we want is this already. I will try to show an analogy between Biology and Mythology.
Bricolage art requires a contemplation of the different disciplines appearance. For instance, objects and thoughts encounter in accordance with multiple directions in our creative dreams. When we come along with some different notions, our mind connects the hidden particules of our creative minds.
Our biological structure is like an amusment park. There are so many toys within itself. And these toys consist of so many bones, skeleton and muscles. This toy have also blood cells, proteins and thousand of tissues. So, if these toys constantly collide with eachother, who will press the buton? Who will be our savior?

In this point, as Biology is the concrete truth for us, Mythology needs to be placed in the layers of history.
In this line, I want to tell the story about the reward and punishment system through Bricolage. The story of firing hormones in regard to dopamine is very similar to the story of stealing fire as part of Prometheus’ Story. There are one fire and two heroes.
Prometheus And Dopamine: A Titan In The Sky

As we know, Dopamine is a reward molecule. The most distinctive hormone which have a big potential on our body- mind healthy. And also this hormone influence almost everything that beyonds what we think about.
On the other hand, Prometheus is mythological character who steal the fire from Zeus. Prometheus emerged as a hero and unique character in the historical stage. In this Story, Prometheus And Dopamine is perfect analogy in order to understand this world and our mind.
Prometheus And Dopamine: Alertness

In the beginining , Prometheus was a soldiers who needs to make it happen of Zeus’s task. But in after, Prometheus crossed the line in favor of the humanity. To push forward into unknow was the biggest motivation for him.
Along with the gift of fire, He taught humanity mathematics and architecture to build safe and strong towns. In this way, Promotheus’s motivation were responsible for the rise of civilizations and empires.

In deep sense, what Prometheus was trying to do is to find a balance between the ground and sky in this world. He acted a mediator or gatekeeper as a powerful Titan in the mythology. But in the end of day, he became a victim due to appeal to be teacher of the human civilization.
Prometheus And Dopamine :Alertness
When we look at the dopamine, it is acting a reward molecule. But when we consider it as reward system which seeking out pleasure and limitless desire, this interpretation will be misleading for us. It’s main purpose is to build up a balance in our body-mind system actually. As homeostas is vital for us, it is trying to survive us in a balance.
If we think the Dopamine as our Prometheus, we notice that it walks around dangeruos oceans. To empower our capability and happiness, it is trying to give us a vital signals that is related with our health. Prometheus pushed the boundaries which beyond the tasks that is given by the Zeus, likewise dopamine system have an urge which tend to surpass over the it’s limits.

In this point, if we loose our control over the system, it might be destructive for us. In this condition, it blowed up more than enough in our neural pathways, it can leads to big destruction for us. This is starting point of addictiveness.
Essentialy, dopamine motivates us. Our decision and attention system is feeded by dopamine. Controlled movement from the lymbic area to the frontal kortex, this activation patterns of neural pathway is repsonsible from everything. As Prometheus routes from the sky to ground, dopamine’s destiny is binded between this routes. Also dopamine works in bilateral way.

In matter of fact, it’s signals try to tell us something everytime. Similar to Promotheus’s efforts for the future of humanity, it also teach us to put attention what happens in our system.
Prometheus’s way consist from the sky to grounds. İn similar to this, dopamine’s way encompass the neural pathway from the lymbic system to prefrontal cortex. ın this lines, Dopamine and Prometheus is sharing same destiny.

Prometheus And Dopamine: The Cost of Freedom
When we look at the the nature of desire, it is about wanting than the getting. Likewise, when we reach out the our desire, it is not ended and all of sudden, we feel like the jumping into other limitless options. That is why, if we clearly get what dopamines’s nature , we can apply this awareness into our life in a good way.
Prometheus was a representative of the freedom. Actually freedom is not enough all the time. To be able to navigate our desire is more important than use it.
In a conclusion, reward system in dopamine and punishment systems allow us to gain perspective in way of remarkable integrates ideas .