Emotional Baggage And Attachment

This chaotic life has the hidden systems like a video game. Emotional Baggage and Attachment point out that how we survive in this game. They have digestive system within itself. Our character is running away too many programs that associated with emotional baggages and distractions at one time. The running things in the backstage of our mind reduces our focus and attention abilities. All of these are the backgorund programs as they are in video game.

Our life style and character is shapened by many tasks. We start to move forward, some distractions come up with emotional baggage or vice versa. This is the mechanism of life as it similar to video game.

Emotional Baggage And Distractions : Entropy

When we look at the learning mechanism of the brain, we can say that emotional attachment is the key instrument. Learning pathways reqiures the permanent emotional digestive system as digging into layers of systems. Furthermore, this links between permanent learning and emotional attachment have become major explanations at some studies in the neuroscience area.

Todays, entropy is the silent killer for all of us. The shifting from entropy to chaos is the slow and powerful transition. Even if we revisit our learning ways , this slow and powerful transition have a capacity to kill our memory. In this point , when we look at how our brain works, it consist the highly mechanical structure that show us to realize the mathematical nature of the our brain systems.

I belive that the product of mind is the diversifiying from one input to another. That is why, our learning system is rather be similar to our digestive system. This interconnection between brain and the digestive system give us some navigations for the alingment of enjoyable video game. Therefore some obstacles we encounter and challenges that forced us to take an action will be needs to have our tools and navigation. Unless entropy turned out to enjoyable video game, we will not attain into this challanges.

Emotional Baggage And Distractions : Why we get stuck in a state of narrow minded

According to some people, life is a video game which created by deconstructive structures. In this game, pattern recognition is key power in order to navigate your actions. On the other hand, customizing your character in a structural pattern recognition requires some sort of perspectives. Step by step the recognize the pattern which directs our mapps rather than focusing to the end of game, it empowers our straights and capabilities in the game.

In other word, mind is the metabolism of experience. As we gain weight much more than enough , the digestive system of mind start to collapse.

The protecting this system requires vivid arrangement by way of using smart changes. When we collect the rewards in the game , sometimes we need to stop at some phases in order to refresh our direction. Otherwise, the boredom and anxious come up with strict emotional baggage.

As everyone want to reach, we are tended to gain clarity for the next attitudes or levels. Because of the challenges of next level in the game, our clartiy will show us to beneficial directions which needs to put into those levels. The classification of our characters, tools and new pathways in the game will be intensified when the video game start to be hard. Every challenges that beyonds our skills will feed us as we know. It is inevitable.

Effortless Learning Ways & Effortless Automatic Structural Mind

Rest in Peace / Allan Wats

We are a perspective vessels in relative reality.

  • We need a sharpened clarity. To gain a clarity, focusing the objects make it easier.
  • As the characters , it’s tools, weapons and mapps in the game, we can acquire perspectives with objects in daily life.
  • Our mind tracks the concrete patterns. Recognize the patterns allow us to direct our mapping system in the game.
  • Chaos and entropy have a reason that occuring in life. As obstacles and challanges in the game , all of these contribute our resistance capacity.
  • Reverse Engineering of emotional baggage by using a chaos and distractions, we might able to get rewards what we want.
  • So much effort creates a friction when we are in the game. Effortless automatical mind will be easy for us by the time.
  • In initiall phase , so much effort is necessary. In after the necessity of it’s energy for those effort will start to decrease when we do practices. This is the emotional attachment.
Hi, I’m okanhoruz

I'm advocator of the Transhumanism . Transhumanism envison a future where humans can transcend biological / cultural / environmental limitations- barriers through advancement like genetic engineering , artificial intelligence and cyborg technologies. In this sense ,my motivations : * I'm trying to be constant learner and improver in my personal and business life . I would like to combine and transform any piece of knowledge- experience into new things as a synthesizers. * Push the boundaries of the unknown * Learn and discover new potentials along the way * Acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product and connections * Gaining knowledge, perspectives and mastering human relations in proactive cycles is one of the my greatest inner motivation. * Throughout my career and academical life, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of key projects. I'm interested in cognitive - behavioral science (Neuro-Technology) .These observations and researches enriched my standpoints in accordan with social science and daily life.

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