Playing with pieces has been remarkable motivation for me as every kids have. I guess this reflects a kid’s infinite world. By the time, thoughts and ideas as some crumbs of reality have been replaced of those one. Rather than toys, these have become my necessities for me. I have been predisposition towards deconstruct things that what I learned. I have realized that we can construct and deconstruct whatever we want. In initial phase, I needed to gain some sort of characters to do this. Because my identity was not eligible to doing what I want to shape.

I think that everyone needs to gain a role model in this life. Because we will need to have some caharacters in accordance with the requirements of life. To stick with this world in a adaptative way, we need to shape ourselves by the time. I would like to mention about my interesting characters which have astounded me until day. Their standpoints and their interpretations of the world has contributed to my perspectives until day.

Rust Cohle and Woody Allen

A detective from South and an intellectual and genetical maniac from Baby Boomer’s generation were seeking to some crumbs of reality in order to gain clarity on what they live. If they have in common points, it would have been totally that they are not coming from this world. The one try to show the horror face of civilization, other one try to solve unmeaningfulness of this bloody world. Rust had grasped that we are living in the surface of reality as Donald Hoffman, he is neuroscientist in Harvard University, argued according to studies and researches. On the other hand , Woody Allen was like a oyster cracking their shells. His complex nature forced him to sweep some crumbs of reality by way of using art and cinema.

Overprocessed minds might be able to detect this aggresive structure of the world. And also, their sharpened minds are more likely to be aleniated. Besides of this, they might be have distinctive ability of observation and seek of deep meaning. Also, they have ability to simulate of this world beyond boundaries and volumes of mindset that is associated with the processes of information. Hence, they carry a burden in their shoulders as far as lines of their mind. This is cost of profound life experience for them.

Rust Cohle is an isolated man from this world . He feels the pain of existence. According to him, time is a flat circle. İn the perspective of evolution, he argue that we need to remove our humanity from this world. With together of evolutionary phase, we gained so much councciosness. Therefore, the nature created seperated a standpoint from itself. On the other scene, wood allen’s mind has symbolic machine. He try to put uncommon language in his cinema.

From Boomer To Doomer

As we are human, key metrics of our every steps is measured by the system. System demand us to be constant engage into this complex the order. While we engage in this complexity, there are always remained some crumbs of reality in behind us. When we decide to step forward into new challenges, all blanks of system are filled from others. Hence, competition to making a place within society has become vivid and recklessly. We have to aware that human is more than sum of pieces. Even if our ambition is to detect some crumbs of reality, reality is always beyond human’s perception.

There are multiways about what we need to do. Maybe, this infinite direction is poison for us. Any kind of mapps provided in front of us in every day. To success, first assumption that acknowledged from everyone is to make a differences in a way of create visible outcomes.

And finally, there has been rigid fractions between what we need and what is happening around us. We trying to close this rising gap in which is not never going to be closed by our efforts. What I’ m trying to say is not pessimist comment. Because when you realize this reailty in a certain period of your life, the price of our label based on our efforts. People get in stuck in post truth era when they miss out the unexist train. !

Eyes Wide Shut

Woody and Rusty have been tracking in some big questions in their mind. These big questions had been captured by them. On the other hand, mysterious Stanley Kubric tried to sweep some crumbs of reality in Eyes Wide Shut. With subtext that are not easily deciphered, he attempted to convert what we percieve into an uncertanity or unknown. Symbolic expression and rituals were priorities in his mind. In this sense, he emphasized some personas that have revealed in the society. Personas what we see within society can make easier people’s life. In my point of view, we need to put it into our face in order to survive in this competitive society. Because of pure existence can not cover other’s expectations. Human is another one. Human need other’s existence on the basis of social animals as we are.

Unfortunatelly , this people can not endure multidimensional life. They are willing to take a risk which contains the rejection by others. Pushing yourself into unknown is a main insgiht to us but unknown has not been achievable under superficial deduction.

Eclectic Structure

In our modern world, an accurate example of a rhizome would be the modern internet. It is vast, interconnected, non-linear, without hierarchical structure, etc. Deleuze elaborated in A Thousand Plateaus that.”

“A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo. The tree is filiation, but the rhizome is alliance, uniquely alliance. The tree imposes the verb ‘to be’, but the fabric of the rhizome is the conjunction, ‘and…and…and…’.”

Futhermore, life is roller coaster. We have rigid identity and beliefs that exposed harsh friction like oysters want to crack their shells. Life is unending changes from what we dream to what we became. We will always leave some crumbs of reality when we move forward at the same time.

Brain parts and Arts & Thinkers

If we want to sweep and digest some crumbs of reality, art and unique the way of thinking might be powerful tools that emerge from the mixation of all senses like chemical cocktailes. We know that we are in behind of reality for a miliseconds according to neuroscientific experiments which have been proved. If reality is different than what we percieve, the things we take into account is to touchness to our dream. !

Prefrontal cortex is decision maker in the brain. So many part of brain can be engaged without counscious awareness of it. Also, prefrontal cortex is seperatedly division from rest of them.

According to Daniela Schiller, motor function, sensory function, motor-sensory integration , memory representation. All of this is happening below the surface like the inside of a clockwork .

As a result, I have noticed that neuroscience-computer sciences and mathemathicians have been in common about what we live is the surface of reality. likewise, I want to put forward comparative symbolic indefsrencess. If I try to identify some crumbs of reality, some directors would be good examples that linked to some region of brain. Christopher Nolan would be prefrontal cortex as a central actor thanks to obsession with time. After, Tarantino would be lymbic brain as movement and actions in reptellian way. He represent the aggression. On the other hand, with the horror and distopic world which is created by Ford Coppala, he would be definitely Amygdala. After that, Wood Allen is Thalamus. He is executive part of this world. When we come to David Lynch, we can say that he is like visual cortex thanks to his scenes and various storytelling.

Hi, I’m okanhoruz

I'm advocator of the Transhumanism . Transhumanism envison a future where humans can transcend biological / cultural / environmental limitations- barriers through advancement like genetic engineering , artificial intelligence and cyborg technologies. In this sense ,my motivations : * I'm trying to be constant learner and improver in my personal and business life . I would like to combine and transform any piece of knowledge- experience into new things as a synthesizers. * Push the boundaries of the unknown * Learn and discover new potentials along the way * Acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product and connections * Gaining knowledge, perspectives and mastering human relations in proactive cycles is one of the my greatest inner motivation. * Throughout my career and academical life, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of key projects. I'm interested in cognitive - behavioral science (Neuro-Technology) .These observations and researches enriched my standpoints in accordan with social science and daily life.

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