Succession Of Marketing

The medium is the message. / Marshall McLuhan

In nowadays, the virtues of engineering reversed messages with fruedian tricks proved the design the entire market ecosystems. The pioneers of marketing had noticed that sensibility of human perception and uncounciousness. Hence ,the whole digital entropy creators accelerated the manufacturing of desire.

Succes of itself is the most famous notion over the last decades. But it is not easily captured by individuals. Today’s multidimensional data that encompasses everything was emerged from the singular message. The singular message programmed the nations.

To understand american branding and consumer culture today, we can look at a man who is pioneer in this area. Edward Louis Bernays was known as Americas No. 1 publicist in the field of public relations. Ed Barneys imported and used some of freud’s theories. He was a master of propaganda.(Psychoanalytics)

Bernays was the nephew of the great Sigmund Freud. He initiated public relations from political leaders to smoking culture. He also played pivotal role as psychological warfare in the first World War on the behalf of american citizens.

The Art Of Manipulation with Engineering Reversed Messages

James Vicary conducted a secret experiment in New Jersey cinema. He had flashed the words “hungry” eat popcorn and drink coca cola over the movie picnic starring. Particularly, there was a galvanic skin response where they would measure minute fluctutations in the amount of sweat on your skin which was related to your state of anxiety also hearbeat. James Vickary described popcorn experiment as using quick, flashing messages to influence consumers to buy popcorn and soft drink.

On the other hand, they also could detect responses from scalp electrodes where they had a group of words that were clearly negative. The basic finding was that the negative words when they were presented subliminally would have a bigger voltage of brain response than did the positive words. Subliminal stimulus caused a persons behavior to change. Apparently, people are tend to recieve more signals than enoug for relief. Therefore, subliminal seduction was a duty of advertisers.

Modern Subliminal Advertising

Advertising is fun in contrast to reality. Reality is boring. All I’m offering is the spectrum of madness! Produced maddness was useful for the treatment of the nations with advertising tools. Lehman Brothers argued that people must be trained to desire and to want new things even before the old have been entirely consumed.

When we look at human brain , uncouncious fantasy is extremely sensitized to things that deal with the begining of life’s reproduction. The uncouncious will remember this manipulation. For this reason, we systematically desensitize their threshold of arousal by increasing the amount of stimuli that we deliver. That is sexual or violent or gross in nature. In this way, consumerism becomes secular religion. For this, Reversing the message is enough.

Advertisers are looking to get the attention in order to achieve brand loyalty and recognition. İn this context, society largely driven in part by advertisers motivating us to consume. Similarly, marketing philosophy was inherently about manipulating and motivating a public.

Consumerism As Desire Manufacturing

Bernays had noticed that constructing emotional connections to purchase was crucial for the designing of american’s virtues. He requested physicians who consisted from approximately 5.000 to prepare 4.500 articles in line with agreed arguments. According to this, heavier breakfast was become healthier than lighter one. In this way, heavier breakfast was become healthier than lighter one.

What is more interesting is that 1920’s women smoking campaign. Lucky Strike conducted a absurd campaign in way of aspire from Bernay’s ideas. In that time, women smoking was quite the taboo as cigarettes were seen as accessories of corrupted women prostitutes. Orchestrated deceptive message emerged in newspapers. likewise american healthy breakfast campaings, lucky Strike was displaped the newfound sense of conviction. Conspicuous consumption became a means of signaling one’s socio economic status.

Programming to Nation

In the pursuit of expression in the art & music, advertiser needed to create a councious tension and anxiety in the viewer ! For instance, in the Beatles’s album, there was a cranberring sauce in the recording studio. With the various filters to make more legible , it does sound like ceanbeery sauce.In manipulating sound on the track revolution, title is repeated many times within the song with spoken words pieces.

Similarly, Alfred Hitchcock was also really intrigued by this idea of subliminal effects on the movie. He wanted to increased the emotional punch of this particular part of the movie. With the projectors that flashes about 150th of a second and the flashes on the screen, subliminal seduction techniques sparked impactful temptation.

Mayhem Of Temptation

According to Noam Chomsky , the purpose of the television ad to make you an informed to ne good consumer. Joseph Goebbels noticed that simple and repetitive slogans over and over again appealing to the emotions. Advertisers are working into correctly a scinece in way of product replacement registerd in our mind. The engineering reversed messages proven that human perception is more likel to be good consumer.

No matter how these spectacular tricks shaped our perception, we are getting stick in the constant reproduction of desire and consent. The engineering adversed message under the consent and emotinal puncture leads to leap forward about AI and data-centric algorthyms for drawing the picture of every peice member of the society. What I try to explain is that digital entropy that we face in todays based on the manufacturing of desire in regards of programming the nations. We can see the huge amounts of societal engineering in the behind of perceptional temptation.

Hi, I’m okanhoruz

I'm advocator of the Transhumanism . Transhumanism envison a future where humans can transcend biological / cultural / environmental limitations- barriers through advancement like genetic engineering , artificial intelligence and cyborg technologies. In this sense ,my motivations : * I'm trying to be constant learner and improver in my personal and business life . I would like to combine and transform any piece of knowledge- experience into new things as a synthesizers. * Push the boundaries of the unknown * Learn and discover new potentials along the way * Acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product and connections * Gaining knowledge, perspectives and mastering human relations in proactive cycles is one of the my greatest inner motivation. * Throughout my career and academical life, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of key projects. I'm interested in cognitive - behavioral science (Neuro-Technology) .These observations and researches enriched my standpoints in accordan with social science and daily life.

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