
Digital Surveillance – Data Companies

I have been thinking about digital new world and technological advencement in line with recent AI improvements for a while. When we look at big debates and arguments, it will have been remarkable consequences as cost-benefit calculations for our humanity and ethical evaluations all around the world. Also, we can see remarkable points within this arguments that has emerged for the recent years.

Our life style has been changed. At the same time, our interpretations about life become most popular conversations. I think that life is an information and our quality of life depends on how we process that information. Humans can process 10-50 bits of information per second with their conscious attention. Our mind is an processing machine. So what cost of these overloading in our brain systems ? So, what happens when unmanagable any kind of information that we have starts to control us ?

According to Gilles Deleuze , the knowledge is a set of instructions . Through these instructions , society is made up of machines like this social, political and behavioral. Therefore, they all use programs to interpret and categorize people. When we look at this, some of machines perceive sensory systems and digest another system. In this point , we become part of social machines. We are a source of multiple input for digital systems. As a result , our behaviour has created in the digital-ecosystem where they collect the information.

In the 18th century , social theorist Jeremy Bentham created a architectural consept. In Panoptic Society , every single person is under observation but also one in which most of the discipline that is applied comes from the self. They are effectively compelled to self-regulation. From the centre , the manager of staff are able to watch the inmates. The simple existence of a greater authority who is capable of observing you is enough for you to behave as if that authority is always present.

Moreover, we can’t go anywhere and do anything without leaving a trail or a sort of digital dust of who you are and where you’ve been. ( Keith Melton , Intelligence Historian and Author ) Good Surveillance is always dependent on the best available technology. People exhausted by entartainment , fixed by prozac and therapy. Human mind constructed by constant fluid information. This constant information has power over us and encourages us to act in certain way. At the same time , we have noticed that the set of mechanism through which the basic biological features of the human species became the object a of political strategy .(election times , the polarization of the communities . Cambridge Analytica. )

For instance , in China , they have algorithms automatically recognize certain behaviours . No one escape the camera’s gaze. Likewhise, we can see same pattern in Skid Row, L.A. Data-Driving policing is that certain communities are very much over represented in data aggregation. Layered on top of the entire city of los angeles is an algorithm called pred-pool. Systems like pred-pool analyze crime data to produce a series of 150 square meters hot spots around the city. Above all, algorithms collects data about suspicies activity. (Public Records , Social Profile ). In conclusion , they can create a whole digital boundary where somebody walks in from schedule and goes across Los Angeles.

In nowadays , millon of people are suffering from this new world. Our mental and physical situations can not deal with it. We are seeking a solutions in order to get rid of this polarization . Sometimes , we can not see this destructive side effect of this new digital world. Most of data leads to big problems in our mind . I think that what we need to do is to protect and sustain our limited awareness. And finally , we can expand our awareness. In this way , we can avoid ourselves to get in stuck easily.

When I was looking at this reseraches , I have noticed that big discpline. Scientist called it Neuro-Economy . Neuro-Economy is fascinating because it looks at all of the cognitive biases that we have especially around negative experiences. One of the things that we learned is that the human brain does not want to percieve pure reality . It wants to adjust reality for the benefits of survival . As I mentioned above , human can create big transformation in their life. We have this capacity. So , we can arrange our reality as we want to see.

Hi, I’m okanhoruz

I'm advocator of the Transhumanism . Transhumanism envison a future where humans can transcend biological / cultural / environmental limitations- barriers through advancement like genetic engineering , artificial intelligence and cyborg technologies. In this sense ,my motivations : * I'm trying to be constant learner and improver in my personal and business life . I would like to combine and transform any piece of knowledge- experience into new things as a synthesizers. * Push the boundaries of the unknown * Learn and discover new potentials along the way * Acquire the skills necessary to build a purposeful product and connections * Gaining knowledge, perspectives and mastering human relations in proactive cycles is one of the my greatest inner motivation. * Throughout my career and academical life, I have contributed to impacting business outcomes through effective organization, prioritization and execution of key projects. I'm interested in cognitive - behavioral science (Neuro-Technology) .These observations and researches enriched my standpoints in accordan with social science and daily life.

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